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Finding the Right Breast Pump for Mothers

Breast Pumps can bring extensive convenience for mommies. A lot of breastfeeding mothers nearing the end of their maternity leave wish to continue providing their babies with breast milk after returning to work. However, the concept of feeding the baby from a small bottle or concept of pumping is foreign to them. It’s worth mentioning that nursing isn’t associated with paraphernalia.

In case you’re looking forward to this big transition in your life, you may be wondering what kind of equipment you’ll need. According to healthcare experts, the most important piece of equipment is a breast pump. It can help you feed the baby without experiencing any problems. 

Choosing the Right Breast Pump

A lot of nursing mothers get confused while choosing between an electric and manual breast pump. It’s also necessary to choose between a single and double pump. These are some options you will come across while looking for a breast pump. In case you’re heading back to a good job, a double electric, high quality breast pump will help you provide the baby with breast milk efficiently. 

Breast pumps are designed to help save time, with convenience. It’s important to understand that double pumping saves a lot of your time. In most cases, electric pumps work more effectively and reliably than basic battery powered models. Most high end manufacturers product breast pumps to mimic the nursing habits of newborn babies. They don’t hurt when properly attached to feed the baby. 

With high end breast pumps, you can adjust the pump’s suction and speed levels to suit specific needs and requirements. In case you want to pump occasionally, you may need an affordable manual breast pump. This is common with mothers who work half days or from home. 

There’s no need to purchase a hospital grade breast pump, which is often heavy and large. However, such breast pumps are available on rent from various hospitals. These pumps are commonly used by mothers who spend a lot of time in hospital ICUs after the delivery. These mothers aren’t able to feed their babies right away. 

Mothers returning to full time jobs with established milk supplies don’t need hospital grade pumps. Regardless of the model you choose, it’s important to use the pump several times during the maternity leave. This makes sure you have a clear idea about figuring out how to use the breast pump after coming back to work. 

New vs Old Pumps 

Breast pumps available in the market today are superior to the ones used by your relatives and friends a few years ago. In the last decade, actual pumping technology hasn’t changed much. However, pumps have decreased in size and weight. This has made them portable and convenient. 

In a few cases, a new breast pump isn’t better than an old model. However, you shouldn’t just borrow one from your relative or friend. Unlike professional breast pumps, individual purchase pumps allow milk particles to contaminate the machinery. This can’t be sterilized or cleaned. Thus, these pumps aren’t meant to be shared among individuals. In case you’ve been looking for a high quality breast pump, you should visit http://www.bebehaus.com/. You will be able to find a wide range of options at affordable prices.